The Bachelorette
Every first Sunday of each month and on the days the temple had big ceremonies; and every time I attended the ceremony of offering sustenance to the Lord Buddha and of other big merit of the temple, I made wishes “May I own a house with land and a car.” Later on, my grandfather bought me a car when I did not even ask him for it. And a couple surprised things that happened to me. All my wishes were accomplished. This incident seriously strengthens my faith in merit.
Case studiesThe 106th Birthday Anniversary of Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong
“Khun Yai” Chand Khonnokyoong was born on January 20, 1909, in Nakorn Chaisri, a rural municipality of Thailand. She was the fifth of nine children in the family. Her father, Ploy, and mother, Pan, were rice farmers.
I knew that he was hired to kill me for 30,000 baht of head-price. According to the gunman’s rule if you received money, you had only one way; to finish the job. If you missed, you would be killed.
Case studiesThe Gay Prostitute
A man was born in the family of 5 male siblings but his parents wanted a daughter so they raised him as if he was a girl. Once he grew up, he became a prostitute. He worked from Asian to Europe and had met lots of abnormal guests. What retributions caused his life to be like this? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesชีวิตจริง..บนสังคมออนไลน์
อยากทราบความเห็นเกี่ยวกับเรื่องสังคมออนไลน์ ? การพูดคุยในชุมชนออนไลน์ทั้ง ๆ ที่ไม่รู้จักกัน สะท้อนให้เห็นอะไรบ้าง ? สังคมมนุษย์จะเปลี่ยนไปจากเดิมอีกเยอะไหม ในอนาคตอันใกล้ ?
ความยิ่งใหญ่ในทุกๆเรื่อง ล้วนมีส่วนสำคัญเป็นองค์ประกอบเล็กๆอยู่เสมอ รายละเอียดเล็กๆสำคัญอย่างไร
ข้อคิดรอบตัวSingburi Woman
I was the first women to pedal a 3-wheeled pedicab in Singburi. I worked until a car crashed into me and injured my left leg. I had to stop pedaling the 3-wheeler. What demerit has caused me to have a difficult life since childhood And even now I am still in difficult circumstances. But why do others see me as having a comfortable and prosperous life? The fire which occurred at the house went out on its own. Was it because of help from the great Dhammakaya teachers?
Case studiesMore Than Sorrow
If her son was still alive; she would be the rain when his mind was hot, she would be the fire to give warmth when he was cold, she would be the melody to comfort when he was lonely, and she would be the star-light when he looked up. However, she have lost my son which was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her life used to be smooth and now it’s like rock and roll. However, she still have to continue her steps. How? We will see...
Case studiesMysterious Stone
There was a monk who loved in doing pilgrimage. One time, he traveled to an old temple and found a black stone in shape like the boundary marker stone of a Buddhist temple. He brought that stone back with him to his temple….After that, there were many unusual things happened to him even when he meditated. His mother was injured by a fallen broken pillar hit right on her back. Is this a curse of that black stone? DMD has the answers.
Case studies